Monday, January 20, 2014

Look Inside My Life

My name: Billie Enderby 

Childhood ambition: Being a Meteorologist 

Fondest Memory: Going to California with my family when I was little

Proudest moment: Getting into college

Biggest challenge: Balancing everything and not getting too stressed out about it  

Alarm clock: Is my phone set for 6:30 and 7:00 which I hit snooze at least three to four times.

Perfect Day: Being in the Black Hills, either snowboarding or being at the lake wake boarding all day long.

Indulgence: Netflix & Instagram

Favorite movie: The Little Mermaid

Soundtrack: Lana Del Rey - Born To Die

Inspirations: My mom would be my inspiration because she pushes me and will always give me her honest opinion.  My other inspiration would be my life and the things that surround me.

My life is: Strange, challenging, beautiful, amazing, & all at the same time it is a learning process.